Originally when I started this blog, I thought I wanted to disable all comments on this site. Because comments, good or bad, has an effect on my freedom and creative flow. As much as I try not to care about what other people say or think about me and what I write/create, if I’m aware of it, I end up caring. And it effects my behavior in response to the presence of those thoughts/opinions. On the other hand, the lack of any thoughts/opinions to what I post can be even worse. So if I closed all comments, then I would never know if anyone’s even looking, which could give me more breathing room.
Today, I changed my mind. I’ve decided to just let it go and let it happen. To care about other people and what they think is a part of being a social animal, yes? The reason that I even have an online presence is to communicate with others online, right? The contradiction between my two desires stuck out like a sore thumb — to be acknowledged/validated vs. not wanting to care about what people think…
Communication is a two-way street. So… I’m opening up the comments. Come what may.